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U.S. Water­proof­ing Reviews – Find Out What Oth­ers Think

Nov 5, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

You’ve final­ly got­ten tired of that pud­dle that appears in your base­ment every time it rains heav­i­ly so you’ve decid­ed it’s time to call the base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny and get it fixed.

The prob­lem is which one do you call? There’s the one big one that does lots of adver­tis­ing, there’s the one your neigh­bor used and, of course, there’s the one your father-in-law sug­gest­ed because he knows a guy who knows a guy who used to work there.

There’s got to be a bet­ter way.

How to Find U.S. Water­proof­ing Reviews

Say what you will about the inter­net, it has become an incred­i­ble source of infor­ma­tion for con­sumers. One way in which it has made a dif­fer­ence is in the pro­lif­er­a­tion of web­sites ded­i­cat­ed to pub­lish­ing cus­tomer reviews. Let’s take a look at some of the inter­net sites you can use to check out oth­er customer’s opin­ions of U.S. Waterproofing.

Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau – The Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau isn’t specif­i­cal­ly a review site because they don’t pub­lish direct reviews of busi­ness­es by cus­tomers. How­ev­er, the BBB has two indi­cia of a busi­ness­es’ cred­i­bil­i­ty that are very impor­tant to con­sumers. They offer an accred­i­ta­tion to busi­ness­es that meet cer­tain per­for­mance cri­te­ria and employ a sys­tem of let­ter grades based on a num­ber of fac­tors, includ­ing com­plaints from cus­tomers and the way those com­plaints are resolved. These grades range from F” to A+” and are a great indi­ca­tor of the trust placed in those busi­ness­es and a way to ensure con­fi­dence in new customers.

If you look up U.S. Water­proof­in­g’s page on the Chica­go BBB web­site, you’ll see that we are an Accred­it­ed Busi­ness with a hard-earned rat­ing of A+. If you’re inter­est­ed, read our thoughts on how the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau rat­ings work.

Angie’s List – Although the reviews on the very pop­u­lar Angie’s List are avail­able to sub­scribers only, it is a valu­able tool for con­sumers search­ing for rep­utable ser­vice busi­ness­es. Angie’s List solic­its reviews from mem­bers, giv­ing more weight to those who have work done by the reviewed com­pa­ny rather than just get­ting an esti­mate. They also assign a let­ter grade rat­ing and reward supe­ri­or busi­ness­es with an annu­al Super Ser­vice Award.” Only com­pa­nies with a grade of B or high­er are allowed to adver­tise to Angie’s List members.

U.S. Water­proof­ing was first reviewed on Angie’s List in 2002 and has been des­ig­nat­ed a Super Ser­vice” busi­ness for sev­en of the last eight years.

Here is our per­spec­tive on using Ang­ie’s List.

Yelp – Yelp is a con­sumer review site that com­bines ele­ments of social net­work­ing. It tends to be heavy on restau­rants and nightlife but con­tains reviews of all types of busi­ness­es, includ­ing base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­nies. Yelp fil­ters search results based on a con­fus­ing for­mu­la so it is help­ful to look beyond the first page of reviews. (See if this expla­na­tion makes sense to you.) U.S. Water­proof­ing enjoys great reviews on Yelp from cus­tomers for whom we have actu­al­ly done work.

Best Pick ReportsBest Pick Reports, pub­lished by Ebsco Research, is both an inter­net site and a free pub­li­ca­tion dis­trib­uted to home­own­ers. They sur­vey cus­tomers of rat­ed busi­ness­es and cite one or more in each geo­graph­ic area they cov­er as Best Picks” for con­sumers. U.S. Water­proof­ing is one of only two com­pa­nies in the Chica­go area cho­sen for the honor.

Yahoo, Face­book, etc. – Almost every search or social net­work­ing site worth its salt these days incor­po­rates some form of con­sumer review process, either for­mal or infor­mal. Check out U.S. Waterproofing’s Face­book page to see what users have to say about our services.

Cus­tomer Tes­ti­mo­ni­als – You’ll find U.S. Water­proof­ing reviews on this site from cus­tomers we’ve helped through­out Chicagoland.

We know that not every review of U.S. Water­proof­ing is glow­ing­ly pos­i­tive but we’re hon­est enough, and con­fi­dent enough of our com­pe­tence and busi­ness prac­tices to invite you to look at them all. If you want to know what we say about our­selves, take a look at this brief video:

So, when you’re look­ing for help in keep­ing your base­ment dry, ask for a free con­sul­ta­tion with one of our experts. More than 300,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers already have.

Tags: how to choose a waterproofing company, basement waterproofing companies, u.s. waterproofing reviews, u.s. waterproofing yelp, u.s. waterproofing angies list, u.s. waterproofing better business bureau

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