U.S. Waterproofing | Can Basement Waterproofing Improve My Home’s…

Can Base­ment Water­proof­ing Improve My Home’s Resale Value?

Jun 14, 2012 • By Matthew Stock with Jon Plous.

Can Basement Waterproofing Improve My Home's Resale Value?

As a base­ment advi­sor, a big part of my job is to answer ques­tions from home­own­ers. One ques­tion I am often asked is If I spend mon­ey now to water­proof my base­ment, will my home be worth more?”

When a home­own­er asks this ques­tion, I know they’re think­ing beyond their own use of a dry base­ment to its poten­tial as a sell­ing asset when the time comes. Smart home­own­ers, or any­one who watch­es any of the many real estate shows on TV, know that kitchens and bath­rooms are great places to invest your mon­ey to enhance resale. Base­ment water­proof­ing may not be as sexy as gran­ite coun­ter­tops and steam show­ers but it pays off too, not only at time of sale but in the years of use – as liv­ing space, stor­age space or work­shop – while you live in your home.

I don’t want to keep you in sus­pense so I’ll answer the ques­tion. I con­sult­ed with a num­ber of res­i­den­tial real estate pro­fes­sion­als in the area and they told me that you can expect to get back 150% of the mon­ey you put into keep­ing your base­ment dry. So, make sure you keep your con­tract and oth­er paper­work and inform your Real­tor of your wise deci­sion to water­proof when you’re list­ing your home for sale.

How does Base­ment Water­proof­ing Improve Home Resale Value?

For exam­ple, let’s say that your poured con­crete foun­da­tion is leak­ing bad­ly through the cove joint (where the wall meets the floor) and through sev­er­al wall cracks. The rec­om­men­da­tion is for a top-of-the-line water­proof­ing job: inject the cracks with expand­ing ure­thane; install inte­ri­or drain tile around the full perime­ter of the base­ment; add a plas­tic lin­er to the inte­ri­or of the walls that will serve as a heavy-duty vapor bar­ri­er and shield from any future seep­age from new sources; and, install a state-of-the-art back­up sump pump sys­tem. The cost of the project is $10,000. Not only will you enjoy a dry base­ment as long as you live in the home but you’ll real­ly enjoy get­ting an extra $15,000 when you sell. Maybe you can use the $5,000 prof­it for some gran­ite coun­ter­tops in your new home.

On the oth­er hand, con­sid­er the poten­tial cost of not doing the water­proof­ing. Not only will you not have a dry base­ment for your own use, but you’re not going get that $5,000 bump when you sell the house. Even worse, as I explain below, your house is like­ly to sit on the mar­ket con­sid­er­ably longer and will sell for a low­er price. In fact, the dis­count on your house for the wet base­ment is like­ly to be much more than the orig­i­nal $10,000 because a smart buy­er will insist that all prob­lems in the house be fixed – out of your pock­et, not his. Home inspec­tors tell me that buy­ers often demand mul­ti­ples of the repair costs esti­mat­ed by their inspectors.

Want to know what a home buy­er will be look­ing for in your base­ment? We gave buy­ers some tips in an ear­li­er arti­cle.

There are oth­er resale advan­tages to water­proof­ing your base­ment that can’t be mea­sured in dol­lars and cents. As every home­own­er knows, the real estate mar­ket is still soft, mak­ing it more dif­fi­cult to sell your home now than it was five or six years ago. In anoth­er blog post we dis­cussed the advan­tages of a pro­fes­sion­al water­proof­ing job at time of sale, so I’ll just hit the high points:

  • A home that has a dry base­ment, espe­cial­ly one with a trans­ferrable war­ran­ty from an estab­lished base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny, will sell faster than one with seep­age problems
  • Home-made water reme­dies, such as down­spout exten­sions that sprawl across your lawn, detract from your home’s appear­ance and mar­ketabil­i­ty, where­as pro­fes­sion­al­ly installed under­ground exten­sions will make it more appealing.
  • The states of Illi­nois, Wis­con­sin and Indi­ana all require that sell­ers com­plete a dis­clo­sure form at time of sale and one of the first ques­tions to be answered is Are you aware of any water prob­lems in the basement?”

Base­ment water­proof­ing is our busi­ness at U.S. Water­proof­ing and we’ve been help­ing home­own­ers keep their base­ments dry and their prop­er­ty val­ues high for more than 55 years. Our base­ment advi­sors can offer free advice on how a dry base­ment can make your home more valu­able so please ask.

Tags: basement waterproofing costs, basement waterproofing chicago, basement waterproofing northwest indiana

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