U.S. Waterproofing | What Makes Basement Waterproofing in Chicago…

What Makes Base­ment Water­proof­ing in Chica­go Different

Apr 17, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

What Makes Basement Waterproofing in Chicago Different

As those of us who live here know, Chica­go is a great city and many things set it apart. Since this blog is about main­tain­ing a dry base­ment and a healthy home, I’m not here to talk about piz­za or archi­tec­ture or win­ning (or los­ing) sports teams but how home con­struc­tion, lot size and pub­lic works affect base­ment water­proof­ing in the city of Chicago.

One of the defin­ing events in Chica­go his­to­ry was the Great Chica­go Fire that almost destroyed the city in 1871. As a result, homes and com­mer­cial build­ings are built dif­fer­ent­ly than in many cities. Also, the den­si­ty of res­i­den­tial neigh­bor­hoods with their nar­row, deep lots means that one neighbor’s water prob­lem may affect oth­ers on either side. Final­ly, the design and con­struc­tion of many Chica­go homes cre­ate sit­u­a­tions that may make base­ment seep­age prob­lems worse or, at least, require spe­cial consideration.

Here’s what’s unique about Base­ment Water­proof­ing in Chicago:

Poured Con­crete Foun­da­tions — Most new­er homes in Chica­go have poured con­crete foun­da­tions as opposed to con­crete block foun­da­tions found else­where in the region. This makes foun­da­tion crack repair a key ele­ment in doing base­ment water­proof­ing work in the city. Old­er homes, how­ev­er, may have foun­da­tions con­struct­ed of brick or even stone that require exte­ri­or foun­da­tion water­proof­ing mem­branes or inte­ri­or drain tile sys­tems.

Shal­low Foun­da­tions — The foun­da­tions of most homes in Chica­go are shal­low­er than else­where, often only about four feet deep. These shal­low foun­da­tions gen­er­al­ly do not have win­dow wells, which elim­i­nates one source of base­ment water seepage.

Out­side Base­ment Stair­wells – Typ­i­cal Chica­go base­ments have out­side stair­wells; most are equipped with a drain in the land­ing. These drains are prone to clog­ging from out­side debris and often require repair or replace­ment. It is also com­mon for addi­tions to the home to enclose the out­side stair­well, which can lead to inter­nal prob­lems as the orig­i­nal drain and land­ing are still prone to seepage.

Homes are Close Togeth­er – A typ­i­cal Chica­go res­i­den­tial lot is only 25 feet wide, plac­ing homes in the city fair­ly close to one anoth­er. This often means that a prob­lem with one home may eas­i­ly affect the home next door. Also, it makes exte­ri­or repairs, such as installing exte­ri­or foun­da­tion water­proof­ing mem­branes more dif­fi­cult because the base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny must be care­ful not to dis­turb a neighbor’s property.

Pave­ment Close to Build­ing – Giv­en the close prox­im­i­ty of homes as men­tioned above, it is also typ­i­cal to find paved alleys or gang­ways between hous­es. An improp­er­ly sloped sur­face may direct storm water toward one or both hous­es but it is more like­ly that water is pen­e­trat­ing the ground near­by and seep­ing into the base­ment below the pave­ment. Many Chica­go home­own­ers believe that caulk­ing or tar­ring between the pave­ment and their home will stop water infil­tra­tion but this is rarely successful.

Com­bined Sew­er Sys­tem – Unlike many cities, Chica­go com­bines its san­i­tary and storm sew­er sys­tems into one. As you may have expe­ri­enced, a sys­tem like this can result in sew­er back-up in a base­ment after heavy rain­storms. Also, the city requires that all sump pumps be tied in to the sew­er system.

Down­spouts can Cre­ate Seep­age Prob­lems – Chica­go used to require that down­spouts be con­nect­ed to the sew­er sys­tem but, because of the large amount of waste water it cre­ates, has made that option­al. Down­spouts can now dis­charge onto the lawn, which often cre­ates seep­age prob­lems in your home or adjoin­ing homes as not­ed above.

As you can see, base­ment water­proof­ing in Chica­go presents many chal­leng­ing sit­u­a­tions, so doesn’t it make sense to hire a base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny that real­ly knows Chica­go and its homes and the prob­lems unique to them?

If we at U.S. Water­proof­ing can be of ser­vice, please feel free to con­tact us.

Tags: basement waterproofing facts, chicago basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing chicago

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