U.S. Waterproofing | Why Your House Does Not Have an Interior Drain…

Why Your House Does Not Have an Inte­ri­or Drain Tile System

Feb 23, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

Why Your House Does Not Have an Interior Drain Tile System

It is com­mon prac­tice for most builders to install drain tile along the exte­ri­or foun­da­tion of the build­ing. It is com­mon­ly referred to as a foot­ing tile or a french drain. Its pur­pose is to help drain water from the soil, reduc­ing your chances of a future base­ment seep­age prob­lem. Most builders do not, how­ev­er, include drain tile inside the base­ment under­neath your con­crete floor.

Here are the top 4 rea­sons why installing Inte­ri­or Drain Tile is not a stan­dard prac­tice dur­ing orig­i­nal construction:

1. Phi­los­o­phy

The major­i­ty of builders believe an Exte­ri­or Drain Tile Sys­tem by itself is suf­fi­cient. Some­times they are right. But with all due respect, they are some­times proven wrong. When water pres­sure builds beneath your base­ment floor, the foot­ing can obstruct the water’s path­way to your Exte­ri­or Drain Tile. Water always takes the path of least resis­tance, which can result in seep­age through your base­ment floor (either through floor cracks or the cove joint). 

2. Build­ing Codes 

Most city and vil­lage codes do not require an Inte­ri­or Drain Tile Sys­tem. Fur­ther­more, archi­tects rarely include Inte­ri­or Drain Tile in their specifications. 

3. Costs

Builders must keep a close eye on their labor and mate­r­i­al costs. Any­thing that doesn’t increase the like­li­hood of sell­ing the house is sub­ject to elim­i­na­tion. What sells bet­ter – sparkling new gran­ite coun­ter­tops or an Inte­ri­or Drain Tile Sys­tem that no one sees?

4. War­ran­ty

Most builders offer lim­it­ed war­ranties on a new home (usu­al­ly one year). Any­thing beyond that and you are on your own. It can take years for a base­ment seep­age prob­lem to ful­ly develop. 

The base­ment water­proof­ing indus­try wouldn’t exist today if Exte­ri­or Drain Tile solved all foun­da­tion seep­age issues. That doesn’t mean an Inte­ri­or Drain Tile Sys­tem is always required.

Tags: damp proofing, drain tile, interior drain tile, drain tile in basement, exterior drain tile

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